Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 2

I only worked one day last week!!  It was a much needed week off. My kiddo was sick two of the four days I had off but it was still nice to be home with him. I think I could get used to staying home. The weather was beautiful all week so we had a lot of outside time and we went to the zoo! 
My monster is the one in yellow!

Because I had the week off I got a break from evening workouts. I was able to workout when the little man was napping!  I realized that I give more to my workouts when I get them in midday rather than waiting until 730 or 8pm. Too bad it's back to reality this week 😞 and the midday workouts will have to come to an end. 

Week two of Insanity Max 30 was awesome!  I increased my max out time all but one day. 
My arms have gotten a lot stronger and all of the planks and push-ups are getting easier. The move that always kills me is the diamond push-ups. I just don't have strength to push myself back up for the whole interval. My tricep strength has dramatically improved. I know longer want to kill Shaun T when he says "one more time!"  In addition to the appearance of my tricep muscles i also discovered my calve muscles!! 

I never understood "soul mate" workouts until I started this program. Prior to Max 30 I was doing 21 Day Fix Extreme and I did not care for lifting weights every day. I enjoy body weight workouts much more. I think I will probably do a couple of rounds of Max 30!  

I need to focus more on my eating. Being that I had the week off I was snacking  more than I should have been this week. Going back to work tomorrow will curb that as I don't have an all day pass to the pantry! 

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