Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day 4 and 5

Day 4: 
Tabata strength went down today and my ax out time was 10:38. I was going good until I realized my arms were still not happy with me!  There were a lot of push ups but for some odd reason this is my favorite workout thus far!  My arms were shaking by the end...I could hardly hold my hand-held blender to make my shakeology :). I also decided I would give ab attack a try...I lasted 5 minutes!  I can feel my abs but you can't see them under my flab just yet. Maybe they will come eventually!  
Nutrition is where I struggle most. I love me some cookies and chips. I try to eat Healthy most of the day but I do have a few treats as well. I just pay more attention to portion sizes!

Day 5: 
I did Friday Fight round 1 last night and my max out time was 6:35. I was not super impressed with that time but it is what it is. Always room to improve next time!!  I can tell that in just a week my arms are already stronger and my cardio endurance is improving :). Thus far Insanity Max 30 is by far my favorite workout. It is forcing me to tell my brain that I can do more than I think I am capable of. 
I am looking forward to my two rest days but am as equally excited to start next weeks workouts!

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