Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 2

I only worked one day last week!!  It was a much needed week off. My kiddo was sick two of the four days I had off but it was still nice to be home with him. I think I could get used to staying home. The weather was beautiful all week so we had a lot of outside time and we went to the zoo! 
My monster is the one in yellow!

Because I had the week off I got a break from evening workouts. I was able to workout when the little man was napping!  I realized that I give more to my workouts when I get them in midday rather than waiting until 730 or 8pm. Too bad it's back to reality this week 😞 and the midday workouts will have to come to an end. 

Week two of Insanity Max 30 was awesome!  I increased my max out time all but one day. 
My arms have gotten a lot stronger and all of the planks and push-ups are getting easier. The move that always kills me is the diamond push-ups. I just don't have strength to push myself back up for the whole interval. My tricep strength has dramatically improved. I know longer want to kill Shaun T when he says "one more time!"  In addition to the appearance of my tricep muscles i also discovered my calve muscles!! 

I never understood "soul mate" workouts until I started this program. Prior to Max 30 I was doing 21 Day Fix Extreme and I did not care for lifting weights every day. I enjoy body weight workouts much more. I think I will probably do a couple of rounds of Max 30!  

I need to focus more on my eating. Being that I had the week off I was snacking  more than I should have been this week. Going back to work tomorrow will curb that as I don't have an all day pass to the pantry! 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

You're my Inspiration

I had a chat with a neighbor today and there were a few points in our conversation that resonated with me. One, she told me I was her inspiration to live a healthier life. She probably didn't realize this when she said it but to me that meant that I am doing what I hoped to do!  If I can inspire just one person to make a change to better themselves in one way or another I have accomplished my mission.  I don't think words can express how fulfilling it is to hear that! 

Second, she was telling me how she stepped out of her comfort zone and switched places of employment. All to often we get trapped in the monotony of our ever day lives and we forget to enjoy our time. It takes stepping out of your comfort zone to do great things!  In January I signed up to be a Beachbody coach because I love talking about working out and working out! In March, I accepted a promotion at my current place of employment!  There are a lot of big changes coming my way when I start my new position but I am ready to embrace the change. I can't wait to escape the monotony of my current job and be part of something huge at my company!  Not everyone can say that they were part of a project that totally transforms healthcare. I think this project will open many doors for me in terms of my career and I can't wait to see where it takes me!  

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day 4 and 5

Day 4: 
Tabata strength went down today and my ax out time was 10:38. I was going good until I realized my arms were still not happy with me!  There were a lot of push ups but for some odd reason this is my favorite workout thus far!  My arms were shaking by the end...I could hardly hold my hand-held blender to make my shakeology :). I also decided I would give ab attack a try...I lasted 5 minutes!  I can feel my abs but you can't see them under my flab just yet. Maybe they will come eventually!  
Nutrition is where I struggle most. I love me some cookies and chips. I try to eat Healthy most of the day but I do have a few treats as well. I just pay more attention to portion sizes!

Day 5: 
I did Friday Fight round 1 last night and my max out time was 6:35. I was not super impressed with that time but it is what it is. Always room to improve next time!!  I can tell that in just a week my arms are already stronger and my cardio endurance is improving :). Thus far Insanity Max 30 is by far my favorite workout. It is forcing me to tell my brain that I can do more than I think I am capable of. 
I am looking forward to my two rest days but am as equally excited to start next weeks workouts!

Insanity Max 30: Day 1 thru 3

Day 1: 
Day 1 of max 30 was the Cardio Challenge. I maxed out at 7:08! I did better than I thought I would :). I wanted to quit working out at about 15 minutes but I made myself push through and finish. I am so glad I did because I felt awesome when I finished. I ended day one ready to take on day two! 
Day 2: 
Day two was Tabata strength I believe!  I maxed out at 1008!!  Woohoo!!  Surprisingly my upper body is weak (I say surprisingly because I tote around my 35 pound son a lot!!) I failed when it came time to do the first set of push-ups. I look forward to this workout again to see if I improve at all :)
Day 3:
Day 3 was sweat intervals and I maxed out at 6:09. My arms were still toast from all of the push-ups the day prior. There is always room for me to improve though and I look forward to beating my own time!

Currently, I am following the modifier most of the time but doing the normal moves sporadically as I am able. I am hoping by the end to do all of the regular moves!  My other goal is to be able to do push ups on my toes instead of my knees!  

Here are my beginning stats and pictures 

Insanity Max 30: Day 1 thru 3

Day 1: 
Day 1 of max 30 was the Cardio Challenge. I maxed out at 7:08! I did better than I thought I would :). I wanted to quit working out at about 15 minutes but I made myself push through and finish. I am so glad I did because I felt awesome when I finished. I ended day one ready to take on day two! 
Day 2: 
Day two was Tabata strength I believe!  I maxed out at 1008!!  Woohoo!!  Surprisingly my upper body is weak (I say surprisingly because I tote around my 35 pound son a lot!!) I failed when it came time to do the first set of push-ups. I look forward to this workout again to see if I improve at all :)
Day 3:
Day 3 was sweat intervals and I maxed out at 6:09. My arms were still toast from all of the push-ups the day prior. There is always room for me to improve though and I look forward to beating my own time!

Currently, I am following the modifier most of the time but doing the normal moves sporadically as I am able. I am hoping by the end to do all of the regular moves!  My other goal is to be able to do push ups on my toes instead of my knees!  

Here are my beginning stats and pictures 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Why a blog?

Hi all, 
My name is Carla and I recently decided to take my health and fitness a little more seriously. Prior to having my son in 2012 I worked out 30 to 45 minutes most every day and ate a well-balanced diet most of the time. After having my son I started to slack because I just never seemed to have enough time to accomplish everything I wanted to get done in a day. Needless to say, I put on a few pounds and started to feel run down and frumpy. I noticed that I was catching more colds and spending more time on the couch. The end of December came around and I had noticed that one of my facebook friends had become a Beachbody coach. So I researched their products and thought a challenge pack would be just what I needed to get started. On a whim I decided to order it. The 7 day shipping time was the longest 7 days ever!!  After I received my challenge pack and did a few weeks worth of workouts I decided I needed to be a coach and help inspire those around me. Since becoming a coach I have had two challenge groups and done PiYo, 21 Day Fix Extreme and now am starting Insanity Max 30!  

I started this blog as a way for me to track my progress and note my feelings, thoughts and experiences with the different Beachbody products. I may also use this blog as a place to share some of the adventures of my everyday life!  I recently accepted a new position at work and I have no idea what it entails. Since starting Beachbody I have a new appreciation for the unknown! Everything you want is achievable if you are willing to work for it. I want to make an exceptional life for my family and I want to do what I love to achieve it!  If you have any questions for me or would like me information about Beachbody contact me 😊 
Tomorrow I will be blogging about my first 3 days of the Insanity Max 30 experience!  Stay tuned 😉